Hey, this website is NOT a full feature news outlet. It is a one- person media "outlet".
I post stories and photos that interest me for one reason or another. Admittedly I sometimes post or do NOT post stories because of my own biases.
On the other hand, the admittedly diminished Montgomery Advertiser is still the largest daily newspaper in Alabama (the others no longer have 7 day-a-week editions). I would hope readers in Alabama would expect more, and broader, coverage from that newspaper, than they expect from this small website!
With that said, what do you make of The Advertiser not reporting that the web site representing the other big former-print entities in Alabama----al.com--- winning TWO Pulitzer Prizes?
Am I being too understanding of my own biases, and not understanding enough of those in big media?
Oops. We missed WHAT little story about WHAT little website? It's been a sad decade and more for newspapers.