There's another study out predicting The Alabama Coast will be underwater...though the article focuses on Mobile (the largest populated city in the area), many Alabamians have property there or at least know someone who does. And most of that property is outside the "Port City" of Mobile.
"For 11 cities along the US Gulf coast, our 2050 projection of inundation hazard shows a cumulative exposed area of between 528 and 826 km2 (Fig. 3, Table 1 and Supplementary Table 3). These affected areas will expose an extra 110,000–225,000 people and 58,000–109,000 properties worth US$14–21 billion (Table 1). It should be noted that substantial areas (318–426 km2), population (386,000–448,000) and properties (176,000–209,000) in New Orleans are already exposed to high-tide events at present, owing to the existence of areas lying below sea level (Supplementary Table 3)"
HERE is the full study.
"...on the Gulf coast, minoritized groups—individuals identifying as Black or African American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Hispanic or Latino; and two or more groups38—constitute a noteworthy portion of the exposed population, despite not being the dominant population. Although minoritized groups make up 43.0% of the total population across 11 cities in the Gulf coast, they are overrepresented in the exposed population, accounting for more than half (50.0–57.7%) of the exposed population in the case of Black or African American residents alone and 64.2–71.5% when considering all minorities (Extended Data Fig. 7b and Supplementary Table 14). Asians are overrepresented among the exposed population on the Gulf and Pacific coasts, accounting for 2.6–4.4% and 21.4–26.3% (median and upper bounds only) of the exposed population on the Gulf and Pacific coasts, respectively, despite making up 2.6% (Gulf coast) and 17.8% (Pacific coast) of the total population. Also, analysis of the impacts of relative SLR on economic inequality (see Methods) shows disproportionate economic exposure in New Orleans and Port Arthur (Extended Data Fig. 8 and Supplementary Tables 16–18), which runs in parallel to the increased exposure of their predominantly minoritized communities. The intersection of racial and economic inequalities highlights the multidimensional vulnerability that specific populations in these cities face in the context of relative SLR.
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