Jan 17, 2025

Retire in Alabama?

 Our state is almost dead last when it comes to ranking the states as best and worst for retirement.

"Worst States

New Jersey is the worst state to retire, driven by its high cost of living and income tax rate of 10.75% for top earners. It lands in the middle of the pack when it comes to the size of its older community (17.7%), its Supplemental Security Income payment ($660), and the availability of arts and recreational facilities (268 per 100,000 older adults).

Apart from New Jersey, No. 45 Massachusetts and No. 49 Kansas were the only non-Southern states to rank in the bottom 10. Massachusetts was brought down by its high costs – it is the least affordable state for seniors in the U.S. – while Kansas had a low quality of life and poor health care.

Meanwhile, the rest of the bottom 10 spanned the Southeast and Southwest: No. 50 Alabama, No. 48 Georgia, No. 47 Oklahoma, No. 46 Mississippi, No. 44 South Carolina, No. 43 Texas and No. 42 Arizona. These states tended to have unhealthy seniors and below-average spending on long-term care. However, they did typically have larger older populations, lower costs of living and among the best weather in the country."


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