Sep 4, 2009

Network TV

The decision by ABC to replace the retiring Charlie Gibson with Diane Sawyer got lots of comments in the past day or so, including a trio or opinion in a Times column that paints net news as a dying medium. They're numbers aren't what they used to be, but they're still a log bigger than cable. And to the commentators who point out that even shows like "Medium" get larger audiences, I wouldn't blame the newscasts...entertainment has almost always gotten bigger ratings than news. And there was a time (back when dinosaurs roamed the halls of power) that the ratings for the news programs weren't as important as the stories the broke and the service they provided.

1 comment:

  1. And, MY! but how we've taken for granted the nature of information... so that is seemingly ubiquitous!

    Perhaps we should return to the libraries?

    Or perhaps instead we should reinforce our electrical infrastructure?

    This issue is so much larger than mere ratings, is it not?

    It strikes to the very heart of the profitability of news gathering, doesn't it?

    And then, there's advertising.
