Apr 7, 2012

The Marine VS The Commander in Chief

     About the "Tea Party" U.S. Marine who is being disciplined for posting insulting comments and images about the Commander in Chief, i.e. President Barack Obama 

"As an active Marine, I say, 'Screw Obama' and I will not follow orders from him.
     We all have freedom of speech, but how many employees would keep their jobs if they ridiculed the owner of their company? And military rules about it have been in place since the Civil War. I'm imagining what would have happened to me if I had had told my immediate U.S. Army supervisor..a sergeant..that I wasn't going to obey him...much less the Commander in Chief!
      By the way, the American Civil Liberties Union is in on the case...on the Marine's side. He's also got a gang of other lawyers and politicians defending him.

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