Jul 3, 2012

M(T*)MMM # 218 -- Payola, M.D.

       The Wall Street Journal reports "Dr. Drew" Pinsky is one of the physicians who was paid by GlaxoSmithKlein, in his case hundreds of thousands of dollars, who then went on to promote the company's drugs.
     But in his case, Dr. Drew's promotion crossed over to his radio sex-advice  program "Lovelines".
     GSK has agreed to pay a $3-billion fine for misrepresenting the ways its drugs could be used---without any FDA clearance.
     I have yet to hear any of the free-market crowd coming to the defense of the company. Shouldn't they be free of government meddling? Allowed to sell their products as they see fit?
     As for Dr. Drew, since he recommended the drugs on-air, without disclosing the almost $300,000 payments he was receiving, he may have run afoul of the payola regulations that originally were designed to reduce a rampant play-for-pay record scam that made some DJ's very wealthy.
     Does the FCC read the Wall Street Journal?
     Any other talk show hosts out there with skeletons in their closets?

[The Monday (*and sometimes Tuesday) Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of www.timlennox.com]

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