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Mar 18, 2014

Quit Using...Quit Selling...Quit Smoking.

     The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids is sponsoring their annual "Kick Butts Day" tomorow.
     On Monday morning, two-dozen State Attorneys General called on major retailers that include a pharmacy operation in their stores to quit selling tobacco products, following the lead of CVS three weeks ago.

     Alabama's Attorney General Luther Strange was not among them.

     By almost any measure, the efforts by Alabama to reduce teen smoking are puny.
     The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  has recommended Alabama spend just under $56-Million of the $233 Million the state collects in tobacco revenue for stop smoking programs.

     So how much does Alabama actually spend?


     That's about equal to the combined salaries of the head of the Department of Environmental Management (Lance LeFleur $144,195) and the Director of the Department of Public Safety (Hugh McCall Director $122.111).

A new advertising campaign called "Be Marlboro" is underway in some 50 countries. 

Something tells me that campaign will cost a touch more than any of those state figures.

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