May 27, 2014

UPDATED MMMM # 451 -- Photo Selection, Drones and TIME Sells Out--again.

  •      The photos used to illustrate a newspaper story can say more than the can the video used in a TV story.
     For example:
      The Montgomery Advertiser selected this "contributed" photo of a murder victim to illustrate their Friday story about a reward being offered for information about his killing on May 15th.
     Yes, Demetrius Mcghee posted the picture on his Facebook page, but is it really the best picture to illustrate a man's murder?

  • Drones continue to be a hot topic for journalists...and for spies, reports one website. And there was an update on what states are doing on the website of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of The Press.
  • A follow up on the departure of Rob Martin as News Director of Alabama News Network. Our new ND is Jack Pagano, whose media background includes civilian TV News management and producing, and a half-dozen years working on media strategy in Afghanistan. He's a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel. Welcome! [UPDATE: Jack filled in for a missing guest on Memorial Day. Here's the video.
  •  I wrote a post last September about TIME Magazine selling both its "Person of The Year" brand and its back cover to promote a TV The Motley Fool points out an ad has made its way onto TIME's front cover! It is a TINY ad below the mailing label, but an ad, nonetheless.

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