Jul 20, 2015

MMMM # 499 ----- Donald Trump as Entertainment News, The Advertiser & Race, and The Scopes Trial Remembered

Can someone explain to me why the race of the suspect---"a black juvenile"--- is included in this Montgomery Advertiser story on Sunday?

"Officers with the Montgomery Police Department arrested a black juvenile after 10 p.m. Saturday following reports of shots being fired at Riverfront Park during the fireworks display at Riverwalk Stadium. No injuries were reported."

 Exhibit #2,677 about why online only news sites have dumbed down the journalistic ethics that have worked quite well for more than a century.

The Huffington Post says it will include coverage of Donald Trump only on its Entertainment News pages.


Smithsonian Magazine reports on the Scopes Money Trial of
1925, and how it changed journalism:

The epitome of the “embedded” journalists, Davis and Thone stood openly in support of the science of evolution, and they saw it as their duty to help interpret the technical scientific language of the experts into something comprehensible for the general public. For their coverage of the trial, the editor of the New York Times sent a letter of thanks to Science Service.

     Virtually all politicians try to coral the media, but Democratic candidate for President Hillary Clinton did so literally two weeks ago during the Independence Day holiday weekend. It was a story that may not have been seen by very many people because of the holiday.

      Her campaign set up a moving rope line to keep the media a distance from the candidate...but still able to shoot the photo op they had created in the first place.
     NPR wrote a detailed piece about the fragile relationship between candidates and elected officials and the media.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular longstanding feature of www.TimLennox.com]

1 comment:

  1. Donald Trump reminds me of a professional wrestler. That's why HuffPo considers him an entertainer.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Vince McMahon is his campaign manager.
