Nov 23, 2020

Sen. Richard Shelby Makes The List


The veteran Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein has publicly named 21 Republican senators---including Alabama's Richard Shelby---who he says have “repeatedly expressed extreme contempt for [Donald] Trump and his fitness” for office.

Bernstain tweeted:

The 21 GOP Senators who have privately expressed their disdain for Trump are: Portman, Alexander, Sasse, Blunt, Collins, Murkowski, Cornyn, Thune, Romney, Braun, Young, Tim Scott, Rick Scott, Rubio, Grassley, Burr, Toomey, McSally, Moran, Roberts, Shelby. (2/3)


Richard Shelby is 86 years old and has been a U.S. Senator since 1986. 

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